GAIG Game AI Research Group @ QMUL

Cristina Guerrero-Romero


I am a versatile Software Engineer with 4 years of experience in web development across different areas of the tech stack. I studied Software and Computer Engineering at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) and I am currently completing a PhD in AI and games at Queen Mary University of London (UK); during which I have done two internships at Google.

I am technology agnostic and passionate about solving problems and learning. I am interested in video games, the creation of frameworks and approaches to assist in their development and testing as well as looking for new applications for AI.

Random facts are that I am a Ravenclaw, one of my favourite games is Portal, I like swords, and my chosen superpower would be teleportation.


Beyond Playing to Win: Broadening the Study and Use of General Agents

A significant part of Game AI research actively explores and advances the play strength of general agents, which are able to play video games without having specific knowledge about them, leading to the existence of a wide range of general algorithms. My work proposes to take advantage of the progress in this area and broaden the research of GVGP beyond playing games with the objective of winning at them. I am focusing on three approaches: 1) diversifying their goals and heuristics; 2) taking advantage of the distinct behaviours given by them so they can be used to facilitate the automatization of testing techniques; and 3) analysing their strengths from a Player Experience perspective instead of their performance.

The main interest of my research is looking into new applications for existing AI algorithms, so they are used for tasks that go beyond “just winning”. One of these is the use of the agents to run games automatically so they can assist in their development and testing.


Studying General Agents from the Perspective of Player Experience. C. Guerrero-Romero, S. Kumari, D. Perez-Liebana, S. Deterding, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE), 2020

Ensemble Decision Systems for General Video Game Playing. D. Anderson, C. Guerrero-Romero, D. Perez-Liebana, P. Rodgers, J. Levine, Conference on Games (CoG). IEEE, 2019

Using a Team of General AI Algorithms to Assist Game Design and Testing. C. Guerrero-Romero, Simon Lucas, Diego Perez-Liebana, Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG). IEEE, 2018

Beyond Playing to Win: Diversifying Heuristics for GVGAI. C. Guerrero-Romero, A. Louis and D. Perez-Liebana, Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG). IEEE, 2017

GAIG Publications