Abstract Forward Models for Modern Games


The following selection of publications are relevant to this project:

Stratega - A General Strategy Games Framework, by Alexander Dockhorn, Jorge Hurtado-Grueso, Dominik Jeurissen and Diego Perez-Liebana, in AIIDE-20 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Strategy Games (2020) [PDF]

The Design of Stratega - A General Strategy Games Framework, by Diego Perez-Liebana, Alexander Dockhorn, Jorge Hurtado-Grueso and Dominik Jeurissen, in arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.05643 (2020) [PDF]

Tribes: A New Turn-Based Strategy Game for AI Research, by Diego Perez-Liebana, Yu-Jhen Hsu, Stavros Emmanouilidis, Bobby Dewan Akram Khaleque and Raluca D. Gaina, in Proceedings of the Artificial intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE) (2020) [PDF]