GAIG Game AI Research Group @ QMUL

Portfolio Search and Optimization for General Strategy Game-Playing

Dockhorn, Alexander and Hurtado-Grueso, Jorge and Jeurissen, Dominik and Xu, Linjie and Perez-Liebana, Diego


Portfolio methods represent a simple but efficient type of action abstraction which has shown to improve the performance of search-based agents in a range of strategy games. We first review existing portfolio techniques and propose a new algorithm for optimization and action-selection based on the Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithm. Moreover, a series of variants are developed to solve problems in different aspects. We further analyze the performance of discussed agents in a general strategy game-playing task. For this purpose, we run experiments on three different game-modes of the STRATEGA framework. For the optimization of the agents’ parameters and portfolio sets we study the use of the N-tuple Bandit Evolutionary Algorithm. The resulting portfolio sets suggest a high diversity in play-styles while being able to consistently beat the sample agents. An analysis of the agents’ performance shows that the proposed algorithm generalizes well to all game-modes and is able to outperform other portfolio methods.

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author= {Dockhorn, Alexander and Hurtado-Grueso, Jorge and Jeurissen, Dominik and Xu, Linjie and Perez-Liebana, Diego},
title= {{Portfolio Search and Optimization for General Strategy Game-Playing}},
year= {2021},
journal= {{arXiv:2104.10429}},
abstract= {Portfolio methods represent a simple but efficient type of action abstraction which has shown to improve the performance of search-based agents in a range of strategy games. We first review existing portfolio techniques and propose a new algorithm for optimization and action-selection based on the Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithm. Moreover, a series of variants are developed to solve problems in different aspects. We further analyze the performance of discussed agents in a general strategy game-playing task. For this purpose, we run experiments on three different game-modes of the STRATEGA framework. For the optimization of the agents’ parameters and portfolio sets we study the use of the N-tuple Bandit Evolutionary Algorithm. The resulting portfolio sets suggest a high diversity in play-styles while being able to consistently beat the sample agents. An analysis of the agents’ performance shows that the proposed algorithm generalizes well to all game-modes and is able to outperform other portfolio methods.},

