GAIG Game AI Research Group @ QMUL

Modelling Player Preferences in AR Mobile Games


In this paper, we use preference learning techniques to model players' emotional preferences in an AR mobile game. This exploratory study uses player behaviour to make these preference predictions. The described techniques successfully predict players' frustration and challenge levels with high accuracy while all other preferences tested (boredom, excitement and fun) perform better than random chance. This paper describes the AR treasure hunt game we developed, the user study conducted to collect player preference data, analysis performed, and preference learning techniques applied to model this data. This work is motivated to personalize players' experiences by using these computational models to optimize content creation and game balancing systems in these environments. The generality of our technique, limitations, and usability as a tool for personalization of AR mobile games is discussed.

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author= {Warriar, Vivek R and Woodward, John R and Tokarchuk, Laurissa},
title= {{Modelling Player Preferences in AR Mobile Games}},
year= {2019},
booktitle= {{IEEE Conference on Games (COG)}},
pages= {1--8},
url= {},
abstract= {In this paper, we use preference learning techniques to model players' emotional preferences in an AR mobile game. This exploratory study uses player behaviour to make these preference predictions. The described techniques successfully predict players' frustration and challenge levels with high accuracy while all other preferences tested (boredom, excitement and fun) perform better than random chance. This paper describes the AR treasure hunt game we developed, the user study conducted to collect player preference data, analysis performed, and preference learning techniques applied to model this data. This work is motivated to personalize players' experiences by using these computational models to optimize content creation and game balancing systems in these environments. The generality of our technique, limitations, and usability as a tool for personalization of AR mobile games is discussed.},

